Cindy Hsin-Liu Kao, Ph.D
Director, Hybrid Body Lab
Assistant Professor, Cornell University
Human Centered Design
cindykao AT cornell DOT edu
Cindy Hsin-Liu Kao, Ph.D. 高新綠
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Bio (Long). Dr. Cindy Hsin-Liu Kao is an Assistant Professor in Human Centered Design, with graduate field faculty appointments in Information Science, and Electrical & Computer Engineering at Cornell University. She founded and directs the Hybrid Body Lab. Her research practice themed Hybrid Body Craft blends cultural and social perspectives into the design of on-body interfaces. The goal is to shift towards more inclusive and diverse designs for emerging soft wearable technologies, which often appear in the form of smart tattoos and close-body textiles. Kao also develops novel digital fabrication processes for crafting technology close to the body. Kao was awarded a National Science Foundation CAREER Award for her research agenda. Kao and her lab's research has received several Honorable Mention/Best Paper Awards in top-tier Computer Science conferences (ACM CHI, UIST, ISWC and DIS) while receiving media coverage by Forbes, CNN, TIME Magazine, Fast Company, WIRED. Kao has served as the program chair for ACM International Symposium of Wearable Computers (ISWC), the premier conference for wearable computers.
Kao and her lab also strive to make an impact in the design and art communities. To this end, Kao's work has been exhibited internationally in venues including the Pompidou Centre in Paris, the Boston Museum of Fine Art, Ars Electronica in Linz, Austria, the Seattle Museum of Pop Culture, and on the New York Fashion Week runway, along with recognitions from the design community through the A'Design Award, the Fast Company Innovation by Design Award Finalist, an Ars Electronica STARTS Prize Nomination, and the SXSW Interactive Innovation Award.
She holds a Ph.D. from the MIT Media Lab, along with a Master's degree in Computer Science; and two Bachelor’s degrees in Computer Science and in Technology Management, all from National Taiwan University. Kao was born and raised in Taiwan.
Bio (short). Dr. Cindy Hsin-Liu Kao is an assistant professor at Cornell University. She directs the Hybrid Body Lab, which focuses on integrating cultural and social perspectives into the design of on-body interfaces. Through her research, she aims to foster inclusive designs for soft wearable technologies, like smart tattoos and textiles and develops novel digital fabrication methods. Kao, honored with a National Science Foundation CAREER Award, has received accolades in major ACM Human-Computer Interaction venues and media attention from Forbes, CNN, TIME Magazine, WIRED, and VOGUE. Her work has been showcased internationally, including at the Pompidou Centre in Paris and New York Fashion Week, earning multiple design awards. Kao holds a Ph.D. from MIT Media Lab.
Email for Cornell-related matters: cindykao AT cornell DOT edu
Email for other matters: cindy AT cindykao DOT com
Cornell University, Ithaca, NY (2019-present)
Assistant Professor in Dept. of Human Centered Design, College of Human Ecology (tenure-track)
Graduate Field Faculty Appointment in Information Science (IS), Ann S. Bowers College of Computing & Information Science
Graduate Field Faculty Appointment in Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE), College of Engineering
Graduate Field Faculty Appointment in Fiber Science and Apparel Design (FSAD), College of Human Ecology
Core Faculty Member, Robotics@Cornell
Founder and Director of the Hybrid Body Lab
Ph.D. MIT Media Lab, 2018
M.S. in Computer Science, National Taiwan University, 2013
B.S in Computer Science, National Taiwan University, 2011
B.B.A. in Technology Management (double major), National Taiwan University, 2011
ACM International Symposium on Wearable Computers (ISWC'22) Best Paper Honorable Mention Award, 2022
Augmented Humans, Best Poster Award, 2022
ACM Designing Interactive Systems (DIS'21) Best Paper Award, 2021
ACM Designing Interactive Systems (DIS'21) Best Paper Honorable Mention Award, 2021
ACM Designing Interactive Systems (DIS'20) Best Paper Honorable Mention Award, 2020
ACM Designing Interactive Systems (DIS'20) Best Demo Award, 2020
ACM International Symposium on Wearable Computers (ISWC'19) Best Paper Honorable Mention Award, 2019
ACM International Symposium on Wearable Computers (ISWC'18) Best Paper Honorable Mention Award, 2018
Design & Innovation Awards
Center for Craft Materials Based Research Award Grant, 2020
Cornell PWWC Affinito-Stewart Research Award Grant, 2019
Fast Company Innovation by Design Award Honorable Mention | Experimental Category, 2018
Fast Company Innovation by Design Award Finalist | Experimental Category, 2017
Fast Company Innovation by Design Award Finalist | Fashion & Beauty Category, 2017
A'Design Award, 2017
ACM UbiComp/ISWC'14 Broadening Participation Workshop Award Grant, 2014
The Phi Tau Phi Scholastic Honor Society of the Republic of China Fellow, 2013
Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award, National Taiwan University, 2012 Fall & 2013 Fall
Novatek Microelectronics Corporation Scholarship Award, 2012
Presidential Award (Top 5% GPA), National Taiwan University, 2011 Spring & 2011 Fall
GARMIN Scholarship Award, 2011
Please see Hybrid Body Lab Publications Page for selected publications
Dr Kao's Google Scholar for a full list of publications
Paper Chair and Sub-Committee Chair:
• Program Chair, ACM ACM International Symposium on Wearable Computers (ISWC) 2021
• Subcommittee Co-Chair, ACM Designing Interactive Systems (DIS), for the“Experiences, Artefacts, and Technology” subcommittee (DIS), 2021
Associate Editor
• ACM Journal on Interactive Mobile Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies (IMWUT), 2021-present
Program Committee Member (Associate Chair):
• ACM Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI), 2023, 2022
• ACM User Interface Software and Technology (UIST), 2022, 2021
• ACM International Symposium on Wearable Computers (ISWC), 2022, 2019
• ACM Designing Interactive Systems (DIS), 2020, 2019
• ACM Tangible Embedded and Embodied Interaction (TEI), 2021, 2018
• ACM Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services (MobileHCI), 2019
2019 DuoSkin
1 work
La Fabrique du Vivant ("Designing the Living)
Pompidou Centre
Paris, France
2019 KINO: Kinetic Jewelry
1 work
A Queen Within: Adorned Archetypes
Seattle Museum of Pop Culture
Seattle, WA
2019 DuoSkin
1 work
Jewelry of the Future
Museo Del Gioiello
Vicenza, Italy
2018 KINO: Kinetic Jewelry
1 work
A Queen Within: Adorned Archetypes
New Orleans Museum of Art (NOMA)
New Orleans, Louisiana
2017 KINO: Kinetic Jewelry
1 work
Plat + Forms Exhibition
Platform 28
Tehran, Iran
2017 DuoSkin
1 work
Innovation by Design Award Showcase
Fast Company’s Innovation Festival
New York, NY
2017 Hybrid Body Craft
3 works
Manifestations Exhibition
Dutch Design Week
Eindhoven, The Netherlands
2017 DuoSkin
1 work
STARTS Prize Exhibition 2017
Ars Electronica
Linz, Austria
2017 DuoSkin and KINO
2 works
Being Material Symposium
Cambridge, MA
2017 DuoSkin
1 work
SXSW Interactive Innovation Award Showcase
South by South West (SXSW)
Austin, TX
2017 Hybrid Body Craft
2 works
Internet of Women Things Exhibition
TETEM Art Space
Enschede, The Netherlands
2017 DuoSkin in collaboration with DYNE Menswear
NYFW FW17 DYNE Menswear
New York Fashion Week (NYFW)
New York, NY
2016 on-body robots as mobile wearables
1 work
Radical Atoms Exhibiton
Ars Electronica
Linz, Austria
2016 Interactive Tattoo
1 work
#techstyle Exhibition Opening and Fashion Council 10th Anniversary
Museum of Fine Art
Boston, MA
Semesters Offered: FA22/21/20 *typically each Fall
This course explores the intersectional field of Hybrid Body Craft, which applies design, engineering, and social science research for hybridizing emerging slim technology with body decoration practices. Examined through the lens of on-skin interfaces (i.e., smart tattoos and bandages) and electronic textiles in Human-Computer Interaction and Wearable Computing, students will develop prototyping skills in soft circuitry through tailored hands-on labs developed by the Hybrid Body Lab and critically reflect on representative papers in the field through readings and discussions. The skills students develop in the course will cumulate in the prototyping and design of a final project: a Future Body Craft of their choice.
Semesters Offered: FA22/21/20/19 *typically each Fall
This course provides a broad overview of design applied various disciplines, scales, and problem contexts, and how design can offer an alternative, and often more human-centered perspective towards solving the problems around us. With a focus on designing with a human-centered mindset in this age of technology, we will examine topics on the role of design in wearable computing, virtual and tangible interfaces, robotics to biology. We will also apply the lens of design to issues on sustainability, healthy environments, diversity and inclusion, and designing for social good. Each week, through case studies and familiar examples, DEA 1110 explores how designing is part of every discipline.
Semesters Offered: SP22/21/20 *typically each Spring
The relationship between art and science has been thoroughly discussed by philosophers. This course will review the discussion on this topic and investigate the role of art/science in a variety of professions and its role in creativity. Sustainability, multiculturalism and transdisciplinarity will be explored as manifestations of integrated minds and communities.
"Fabricating On-Skin User Interfaces"
Independent Activities Period Course, 2017 Winter, MIT
This course introduces processes for creating on-skin interfaces which also reflect personal style. It provides students with the fabrication skills and hardware know-how to generate interactive temporary tattoos. With these skillsets, students expand into their own designs and applications for a hands-on final project. We aim to expand student thinking on the future of on-skin interfaces and the applications they would envision for this possible future.
For DuoSkin: Functional, Stylish On-Skin User Interface:
Forbes (08/16/2016): “The Surprisingly Simple Chemistry In DuoSkin, Temporary Tattoos That Control Your Phone.”
CNN (08/15/2016): “This tattoo that controls a smartphone may be a glimpse of the future”
Washington Post (03/17/2017): “These temporary tattoos turn you into a temporary cyborg”
TechCrunch (08/12/2016): “MIT’s DuoSkin turns temporary tattoos into on-skin interfaces”
DesignBoom (03/29/2017): “DuoSkin electrical temporary tattoos a success at new york fashion week”
International Business Times (03/20/2017): These Temporary Tattoos Turn You Into A Human Track Pad
Dezeen (12/13/2016): Dezeen's top 10 visions for the future according to 2016
WIRED UK (11/01/2016): From smog-eating towers to ocean-cleaning barriers, how design is inspiring innovation
Boston Herald (08/21/2016): “MIT develops high-tech temp tattoos”
Marie Claire UK (08/18/2016): “Your Flash Tattoo is now an iPad”
Washington Post (08/17/2016): “This temporary tattoo can control your smartphone”
Dezeen (08/17/2016): “DuoSkin temporary tattoos can remotely control devices”
Quartz (08/17/2016): “MIT shows off a smart tattoo that can turn your skin into a touchpad”
Allure (08/17/2016): “MIT Develops High-Tech Flash Tats”
Cosmopolitan UK (08/16/2016): “DuoSkin tattoos: the metallic tattoos that double up as a touch screen”
Nerdist (08/16/2016): “Temporay electronic tattoos are totally borg meets coachella”
InStyle (08/16/2016): “No Joke: Someone Created a Temporary Tattoo That's Also a Touch Screen”
The Telegraph (08/15/2016): “Researchers create 'smart tattoos' that can control your phone”
CNET (08/15/2016): “Metallic fake tattoos are interactive, look like fashion accessories”
GeekWire (08/15/2016): “Microsoft Research and MIT unveil DuoSkin, the latest in smart tattoos”
Popular Science (08/15/2016): “MIT Researchers Make Interactive Glowing Gold Leaf Jewelry”
Motherboard (08/14/2016): "This Pretty Temporary Tattoo Lets You Remotely Control Your Devices"
The Verge (08/13/2016): “MIT and Microsoft Research made a 'smart' tattoo that remotely controls your phone”
Slice of MIT (08/19/2016): Smart Body Art: Temporary Tattoos Get Technical
Mashable (08/12/2016): “Researchers create temporary tattoos you can use to control your devices”
Fast Company (08/12/2016): “MIT's Next Breakthrough Interface? Temporary Tattoos”
Engadget (08/12/2016): “MIT's and Microsoft's flash tattoos can control gadgets”
Refinery 29 (08/12/2016): “These Look Like Temporary Tattoos — But They're So Much More”
For NailO: Fingernails as an Input Surface:
MIT News Office (04/17/2015): "Thumbnail track pad: Unobtrusive wearable sensor could operate digital devices or augment other device interfaces." (Front page story on MIT's website)
TIME (04/17/2015): "Get Ready To Turn Your Thumb Into a Miniature Trackpad"
CNET (04/16/2015): "NailO turns your fingernail into a tiny trackpad"
WIRED (04/21/2015): "This Adorable Thumbnail Trackpad Could Actually Be Useful"
Fast Company (04/20/2015): "From MIT: This Shiny Nail Art Is Actually A Tiny Bluetooth Trackpad"
PSFK (04/28/2015): "Unobtrusive Thumbnail Trackpad Could Be Next Iteration of the Wearable"
Engadget (04/18/2015): "Tiny trackpad uses your thumbnail to navigate devices"
Business Insider (01/20/2016): This genius device out of MIT turns your thumbnail into a wireless trackpad
The Verge (04/20/2015): "Using this thumbnail trackpad is like playing the world’s smallest violin" (04/20/2015): "This Tiny Trackpad Fits on a Fingernail"
Boston Herald (04/17/2015): "MIT pair develop true digital device"
Tech World (04/17/2015): "Forget the Apple Watch. MIT shows off thumbnail wireless trackpad"
Tech Times (04/18/2015): "Meet NailO: MIT's Wearable Device That Turns Fingernail Into Trackpad"
Digital Trends (04/17/2015): "This amazing gadget turns your thumbnail into a tiny trackpad to control your phone"
Tech Crunch (04/17/2015): "This Tiny Sensor Turns Your Thumbnail Into A Trackpad"
GIZMODO (04/17/2015): "This Little Device Turns Your Thumb Nail Into a Track Pad"
Gizmag (04/16/2015): “NailO puts a wireless trackpad on your thumbnail”
Science Daily (04/16/2015): Wearable device turns user's thumbnail into a miniature wireless track pad
Hypebeast (04/19/2015): NailO Is a Tiny Trackpad for Your Nail to Navigate Devices
Science 2.0 (04/18/2015): NailO: Your Thumb As A Miniature Wireless Track Pad
SlashGear (04/16/2015): MIT’s NailO puts a tiny trackpad on your fingernail
Wareable (04/17/2015): This miniature, wearable trackpad fits on your thumbnail
Gazette Review (04/16/2015): You will never believe how small this trackpad is
Fusion (04/17/2015): MIT researchers developed a trackpad that fits on your fingernail
MacWorld (04/20/2015): MIT NailO – put a trackpad on your thumb
TIME Magazine (09/05/2016): “Smart Tattoos Bring Technology to Body Art”
MIT Technology Review (July/August 2015): “Computing at your fingertips”
Product Design and Development Magazine (Nov. 2015): “Tiny Wearable Turns Thumbnail into Trackpad”
FASHION Magazine (Sept. 2015): (Micro) Chipped Nails
Boston Globe (04/18/2015): “MIT Media Lab Researchers Create Touchpad Nail Art”
IEEE Spectrum (04/21/2015): "MIT Turns Thumbnail into Trackpad"
Wonderland Podcast with Steven Johnson (01/28/2017): “For the Fun of It (Or, the Play in Great Work): Creativity at the MIT Media Lab; Featuring Director Joi Ito and PhD Student Cindy Hsin-Liu Kao”
ARTE (11/06/2016): “Amplified Skin”
CNBC (08/17/2016): Control your device with this temporary tattoo
CBC Spark Radio (06/07/2015): "The future of wearable tech is on your fingertip"
Radio Taiwan International (05/04/2015): "Trackpad on your fingernails?"
CNN (05/01/2015): "Tiny trackpad fits on your fingernail"
BBC Radio 5 (04/20/15): “NailO: Fingernails as an Input Surface”
2023, TTI/Vanguard, Data, AI and Robotics Conference, Cambridge, MA, “Designing Robotics Skins and Textiles”
2022, Milstein Lecture, Cornell Milstein Program in Technology & Humanities, “Crafting Tech on the Body”
2021, Oberlin College, Crafting Change Symposium, keynote, “Crafting the Hybrid Body”
2021, University of New Mexico, CS Colloquium, “Crafting the Hybrid Body” (host: Leah Buechley)
2021, MIT Media Lab, Tangible Interfaces Guest Lecture, “Designing the Hybrid Body” (host: Hiroshi Ishii)
2021, MIT Media Lab, Cognitive Augmentation Guest Lecture, “Designing the Hybrid Body” (host: Pattie Maes)
2021, Tsing Hua University, Future Lab Symposium, virtual keynote, “Designing the Hybrid Body”(host: Ying Hua)
2020, Rhode Island School of Design Textile Department Seminar, Designing the Hybrid Body” (host: Joy Ko)
2020, ACM International Symposium for Wearable Computers Design Panel, panelist on the design process for wearable tech research
2020, New York Textile Month, panelist on “Textiles of Tomorrow”
2019, Accenture Technology Labs, San Francisco, CA, “Designing the Hybrid Body” (host: Alex Kass & Andreea Danielescu)
2019, Women of Wearables, NY, NY, “Designing the Hybrid Body”
2019, National Chiao Tung University, Global Research & Industry Alliance (GLORIA), Hsinchu, Taiwan “Designing the Hybrid Body” (host: Ken Wu)
2018, Royal College of Art, Fashion Design Programme, London, UK, “Hybrid Body Craft” (host: Helene Steiner)
2018, National Taiwan University, Dept. of Computer Science, Taipei, Taiwan “Hybrid Body Craft” (host: Jane Hsu)
2018, Quanta Computer Incorporated, Taoyuan, Taiwan “Aesthetically and culturally designed wearables” (host: Ted
2018, HOSOO Textiles, Kyoto, Japan, “Hybrid Body Craft”
2018, LA TEXTILE, Los Angeles, CA, Keynote Speech: "Hybrid Body Craft"
2018, Snapchat Research, Los Angeles, CA, "Hybrid Body Craft"
2018, Samsung Design Innovation Center, San Francisco, CA, “Hybrid Body Craft” (host: Fredrico Casalegno)
2018, Cornell University Information Science Colloquium, Ithaca, NY, "Hybrid Body Craft" (host: Francois Guimbretiere)
2018, BostonCHI keynote, Boston, MA, "Hybrid Body Craft"
2017, The New Context Conference, San Francisco, CA, Becoming Cyborgs session | “Hybrid Body Craft”
2017, MIT Museum, Boston, MA, Living in the Future Series | “Kino: Robotic Jewelry”
2017, IEEE Consumer Electronics Boston Chapter, Boston, MA, "Hybrid Body Craft"
2017, Future of Innovation, Technology &Creativity (FITC) Conference, Toronto, Canada, “Hybrid Body Craft”
2023 Keynote: Hybrid Skins: Conformable Interfaces for Living With, Transmedia Research Institute Keynote
2018 Research Seminar: Hybrid Body Craft: Convergence of Function, Culture and Aesthetics on the Skin Surface, Cornell Information Science Colloquium