Jingwen Zhu
PhD Student
Human Centered Design, Cornell University
[Interaction Design, Electrical Engineering, Textile Crafting, Digital Fabrication, Product Development]
Jingwen Zhu is an engineer and designer based in New York, with a focus on e-textiles and connected devices. She is passionate about creating engaging interactions through the combination of traditional crafts and cutting-edge technologies. Jingwen studied digital media at Tongji University, Shanghai, and received her master's degree from ITP NYU. Before joining Hybrid Body Lab, she worked as a product design engineer (electrical) at Tomorrow Lab in NYC.
Jingwen Zhu, Nadine El Nesr, Christina Simon, Nola Rettenmaier, Kaitlyn Beiler, Cindy Hsin-Liu Kao. BioWeave: Weaving Thread-Based Sweat-Sensing On-Skin Interfaces. The ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology (UIST) 2023
Morgan Chen, Jingwen Zhu, Cindy Hsin-Lin Kao. Social Prosthesis: Social Interaction Through 3D Dynamic Makeup. ACM International Symposium on Wearable Computers (ISWC) 2023
Jingwen Zhu, Nadine El Nesr, Nola Rettenmaier,Cindy Hsin-Liu Kao. SkinPaper: Exploring Opportunities for Woven Paper as a Wearable Material for On-Skin Interactions. ACM Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI) 2023
Jingwen Zhu, Cindy Hsin-Liu Kao. 2022. Scaling E-Textile Production: Understanding the Challenges of Soft Wearable Production for Individual Creators. ACM International Symposium on Wearable Computers (ISWC) 2022
2023 ISWC, Design Exhibition Award, Social Prosthesis: Social Interaction Through 3D Dynamic Makeup.
2022 ISWC, Best Paper Honorable Mention Award, Scaling E-Textile Production: Understanding the Challenges of Soft Wearable Production for Individual Creators.